Blog / Jyotish
January 14, 2025

Full Moon in Gemini January 13/14, 2025

The first Full Moon of 2025 happens on January 13th at 10.27 pm (UTC) at 29°47′ Gemini. The nakshatra is Punarvasu, the navamsha is Gemini, Vargottama. January 14 is called Makar Sankranti, and it is the day when the sun enters Capricorn. From this day onwards, the length of the day in the Northern Hemisphere increases, and it is an auspicious day when the light increases.

We are constantly sowing seeds. Seeds like “I want to do this,” “I want to become like this,” and “I want to get this result.” Some seeds will sprout even if the soil is not adequately tilled, and some seeds will not grow without fertiliser. It is also crucial to consider what kind of seeds we sow. The result will be different depending on whether we plant the seed of “I want to become rich even at the expense of others” or “may all living beings be happy.”

What we need to think about here is that “may all living beings be happy” should not come at the expense of ourselves. “I don’t care if I’m unhappy, I just want everyone else to be happy” is planting the wrong seed. As I wrote last time, our own axis becomes important this year. If our axis is stable and strong, we will be able to sincerely wish other people’s happiness. It is pointless to compare ourselves to others and belittle ourselves, and it is one of the reasons for losing our peace of mind, but if we do, we must consciously let go of that pattern.

What seeds are we sowing now? What actions are we taking? Rather than acting impulsively, automatically, or as a knee-jerk reaction, we can gradually create our axis by being conscious of the words we say and the actions we take. This Full Moon will give you such clues. Om Shanti.