Blog / Jyotish
February 27, 2025

New Moon in Aquarius February 27/28, 2025

The next New Moon happens at 15°27 Aquarius on 28 February 2025 at 0.44 am (UTC). Nakshatra is Shatabishak and Navamsha is Aquarius, Sun and Moon are both Vargottama.
In a time when the collective consciousness tends to be negative, and people get caught in this smokescreen of negativity, we have to remember that healing is still happening on a microcosm level. We can take inspiration from that, and in turn, that will heal us.
But first, we have to become aware that we are, to a certain extent, caught by this negativity. The first step might be not to identify ourselves with that negative consciousness. It is just a projected shadow. Dissociating ourselves from what we see in society is not easy. This is why we need to keep on cleaning our mental mirror.
Once we learn how to do this, this New Moon can be a powerful trigger. But first, we have to learn how to discern reality from what we see in the news or around us. Once we do, a powerful path of healing awaits. Om Shanti.