October 1, 2020

Full Moon in Pisces October 1/2, 2020

The next Full Moon happens on Thursday 1 October at 9.05 pm in Pisces, Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra.

You may have a good foresight but not have the tools to make it happen.
You may have the best tools in the world, but not have a direction to move forward.

On the last New Moon message, I wrote about practical considerations. On this Full Moon, a new sense of direction will be added. How do you want to improve yourself, what kind of vision do you have? But if one’s vision is too big it can become an issue, because for example as much as we want to heal the Earth, we might be overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness at trying to achieve something on our own.

So we have to be aware that the starting point is ourselves. How do we want our life to be, are we taking enough care of ourselves, what do we want to change in ourselves? If each one of us becomes more aware, the collective will get more activated and invigorated. There is enough courage and information if we search wisely. What kind of foresight will we have?

It is not an easy path, but well worth becoming aware. The New Moon in two weeks will show how to evolve to the next step. What are the clues we get on this Full Moon, what can we do now, and in which direction do we want to be headed to? This is the awareness of the coming two weeks. Om Shanti.