Blog / Jyotish
November 8, 2022

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries November 8, 2022

The next Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will take place on November 8, 2022, at 11.02 am UTC, Bharani Nakshatra.

When the lunar eclipse influences one’s birth chart, quite a few things can happen around the lunar eclipse, unlike the solar eclipse. Something happened to me this time that really made me think about my priorities, my own happiness and peace of mind.

As an unexpected event happened and was about to knock my feet off, it is not easy to instantly think about what is important and act accordingly. Especially around a lunar eclipse, people tend to react automatically to the situation which can make it even more confusing and challenging.
When we are asked to do two things at the same time, we may have to inconvenience people who are dear to us because it is not possible to do two things simultaneously.

And if the situation is upsetting or frustrating, we need to shift our focus.
In order to be able to shift our focus for our own peace of mind, we need experience after learning by trial and error.
When something happens, it is a bit like an exam. We are asked “can you cope?” by the Universe. If it is not possible to cope, which may happen, it is important to think about how to cope with the situation next time. Then the soul will slowly grow.

It is not possible to increase our muscles in a day, and likewise, it is impossible to make our soul grow in a day.
We are already on the path.
How would we react when we are asked “in which state are you now”?
We need to see the situation clearly. What do we give up? What responsibility do we take?
This lunar eclipse will allow us to creatively think about those questions. Om Shanti.