Blog / Jyotish
December 22, 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius December 23, 2022

The last New Moon of 2022 takes place on December 23 at 10.17 UTC at 7 degrees of Sagittarius, Mula Nakshatra.

It is our mind that dictates the conditions of our happiness.
We condition ourselves that we would be happy if only we had this, if only we didn’t have this, if only I could beat that person, if only I had more money, etc.
When we keep on purifying our mind, we can start seeing that we are happy as we are.
To do this, we have to observe our emotions and thoughts closely, so we can identify them and let go of our attachments.
This is a good New Moon to start observing.

Thank you for reading my Moon Messages in 2022.
May 2023 be a healthy and peaceful year for all of you.
Om Shanti.