Blog / Jyotish
July 12, 2018



The next new moon is a partial solar eclipse and happens in Gemini on July 13, at 11.48am GMT. This summer we have three consecutive eclipses. The following full moon is a total lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 27 and the final one is a partial solar eclipse in Cancer on August 11.

Solar and lunar eclipses influence the collective consciousness and if there is a natal planet close to the eclipse degree, the person will go through some kind of transformation.

Even though Jupiter has gone direct on July 10, Mars is still retrograde and does not turn direct until August 27; and from July 26 until August 19 Mercury will also be retrograde so we cannot expect much to move forward until the end of August and the situation might be unstable. Some people may not see the whole picture or, even if something gets decided, things may change again. In any case, this is not a good period to make things move forward no matter what. Things will start moving in autumn.

Therefore, this summer is a good time for introspection and spiritual practice. It is also a very good period to get rid of unnecessary things.

When we resist change, some bigger change will be waiting for us round the corner.
Even though a solution might have been available at the beginning, the more we resist change, the less options we will have. If you can accept and embrace change, one will see that we made change a friend, not an enemy. Om Shanti.