May 29, 2022

New Moon in Taurus May 30, 2022

The next New Moon happens on May 30, 2022, at 11.30 am UTC, in the sign of Taurus, at 14 degrees 53 Rohini Nakshatra. This New Moon is Vargottama, meaning it is also in Taurus in Navamsha.
Pruning trees or clipping flowers at the right time is a good way to revitalise the branches or to get bigger flowers. Maybe it feels like a wasteful thing to cut branches or flower buds but sometimes, even if it feels like some kind of “loss”, it may be necessary for a good restart.
On this auspicious New Moon, something we were nurturing may experience some loss or setback but it is only temporary and necessary to gain some new momentum. It is also an excellent opportunity to reflect on why we need to change direction, what we were resisting and what kind of new direction we want to take. Let us use the energy of this New Moon well. Om Shanti.