March 19, 2015


On March 20, 2015 at 9h36GMT we will experience a new moon which is also a total solar eclipse which will be visible in many countries in Europe, weather permitting.

This is also Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, which is the new moon of the Hindu month of Chaitra, which marks one of the beginnings of the New Year and so sets the tone for the next twelve months.

This is a time for a very deep and powerful transformational energy. This also means that the mind can be suddenly upset by irrational fears – be aware of this, and use means to calm it down, be it yoga asana, mantra chanting, take a long relaxing bath, have a TV or Internet free day. We can set yet another intention for spiritual progress and learning, for getting a good teacher, for sublimating one’s ego, for grounding and linking with the Axis Mundi. Jupiter sets its beneficial energy towards this new moon and Mars gives us the energy to make things happen.

This new moon also marks the beginning of the spring Vasant Navaratri, nine nights to celebrate Goddess Durga.

All in all a very powerful time. Be careful what you wish for – let us keep our thoughts as positive as possible. Om Shanti.