Blog / Jyotish
August 2, 2019

New Moon in Cancer, 31 July/1 August, 2019


We are a bit past the new moon time which was on August 1, 2019, at 3.12am UTC in Cancer and on July 31 in some locations.
The symbol for Pushya Nakshatra is a flower, and the Shakti is the creation of spiritual energy.
What kind of flower would you like to see bloom inside of you? What kind of energy would you like to create? Are the questions to ask before the full moon in two weeks.

This new moon is quite an emotional one, either positively or negatively.
Furthermore, it coincided with the timing of Mercury going direct, so some people might have felt stuck (and therefore emotional) those past few days.

Transformation and letting go are still ongoing, before the climax next month.
Did you get any hint of what you need to let go?
People do resist change. If you go with the flow, you will be led to where you need to go. The more you resist, the bigger the opposite resistance will be. Om Shanti.